Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bike to Work Day Ditty

By Margaret Elwood,  Guest Poet
Margaret uses Swift and her bicycle year-round to commute to work at Snohomish County PUD. She is a member of the "PUDlers" team in the Bike Commute Challenge presented by B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County.

Take the Challenge! Cycling's cool.
Bike to work or bike to school.

Savvy cyclists think alike:
Take a bus ride with your bike.

Save some money - that's a perk.
Go get healthy: Bike To Work!

Bike to Work Day is May 20 and you can sign up for the Bike Commute Challenge through June 3.
Enjoy another of Margaret's poems here.

1 comment:

  1. Spiffy
    To create a Haiku
    While biking with you
    How thrifty

